How to get rid of insects in your lawn and around your house

Unwanted insects in your lawn and around your house can quickly become a real nuisance. Not only can these pests damage your grass and plants, but some may also find their way inside your home, creating an uncomfortable environment. Fortunately, there are effective tips for dealing with these intruders.

In this blog, we explain the different types of insects that can invade your outdoor space and natural methods to eliminate them. Whether you’re dealing with grubs, ants, earwigs, or other unwanted insects, we can help you maintain a healthy outdoor space!

Common unwanted insects in canada

In Canada, many unwanted insects can invade your home and lawn, causing damage. Here’s a list of some common insects and tips for identifying and managing them.


Ants are one of the most common small insects you’ll encounter around your home and lawn. They are attracted to food sources and can quickly become a nuisance. Ants often look for damp places and organic matter to build their nests. To control them, it’s essential to maintain good hygiene and seal potential entry points into your home.


Earwigs are nocturnal insects that prefer damp and dark places. They feed on decomposing organic matter and can cause damage to young plants. Although they are mainly active at night, you can find them under flower pots, stones, and other objects left in the grass. To reduce their number, keep your garden clean and well-drained.


Grubs are larvae from various beetles. These white larvae damage the roots of grass, which can lead to dead patches in your lawn. These small insects feed on roots and can be particularly destructive if not controlled. Specific lawn treatments and regular maintenance can help minimize their impact.


Spiders are also frequent visitors around the house and in the lawn. Although most spiders are harmless and even beneficial for controlling other unwanted insects, their presence can be unsettling for many people. They prefer damp and dark places, such as basement corners, garages, and poorly maintained gardens. To limit their presence, keep the area around the house clean and reduce hiding spots.

Fruit flies

Fruit flies are another example of flying insects that can become a problem around the house. Attracted to ripe fruits and decomposing organic matter, they can quickly infest your kitchen if waste is not properly managed. Keep fruits refrigerated and dispose of food waste regularly to prevent their appearance.

Insect control

6 natural products for dealing with outdoor pests

If the exterior of your home and your lawn are infested with pests, natural products can be used to repel them. Here are some of the best tips for managing the small critters mentioned above:

1. Essential oils

Essential oils* are effective natural insecticides against many types of insects. For example, peppermint oil is particularly effective at repelling ants and spiders. Mix a few drops of essential oil with water and spray the infested areas. Lavender oil and tea tree oil can also be used to ward off earwigs and fruit flies.

  • Note*: Although natural, essential oils are potent and not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and those with allergies. Consult your doctor if in doubt.


2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another versatile natural product in the fight against pests. You can use apple cider vinegar mixed with water to create a repellent spray for ants and fruit flies. For fruit flies, place a bowl of apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap to attract and trap them.

3. Eliminate standing water

Standing water is an ideal breeding ground for many insects, including mosquitoes and grubs. Be sure to remove all standing water around your home to reduce the population of these pests. This includes cleaning gutters, emptying saucers under flower pots, and fixing water leaks.

Treatment for grubs

4. Natural predators

Encouraging natural predators in your garden is an effective method for controlling small pest populations. Ladybugs, for example, feed on aphids and other small pests. Birds and frogs are also valuable allies in reducing the number of unwanted insects. Create a welcoming environment for these predators by adding birdhouses and avoiding chemical pesticides.

5. Diatomaceous earth

There are many home remedies for dealing with pests. For example, sprinkle diatomaceous earth around areas where earwigs and ants are active. This natural substance is abrasive to insects and dehydrates them, effectively eliminating them. You can also use sticky traps to catch fruit flies and earwigs.

6. Natural insecticides

Finally, homemade natural insecticides can be prepared. A solution of liquid soap and water can be used to kill grubs and small pests on plants. A garlic and water mixture can serve as a natural repellent for ants and spiders. Always test these solutions on a small area before widespread application to avoid damaging plants.

Synthetic pest control products

If natural methods are not sufficient to manage a pest infestation, chemical substances may be necessary. Here are the best tips for dealing with ants, earwigs, grubs, fruit flies, and spiders:

Spray pesticides

Spray pesticides are commonly used to treat pests around the home and in the lawn. They are effective against a wide range of insects, including ants and spiders. Look for sprays containing active ingredients such as bifenthrin or cypermethrin. Apply the spray around the foundations of your home, in cracks, crevices, and on infested plants.

Insecticide granules

Insecticide granules are an excellent solution for lawns and gardens. They are particularly effective against grubs that feed on grass roots. Apply granules to your lawn according to the manufacturer’s instructions, then water to activate the product. The granules slowly release insecticides into the soil, eliminating grubs and other harmful insects.

Poison baits

Poison baits are an effective method for specifically targeting ants and earwigs. These baits contain attractants mixed with slow-acting poisons, allowing insects to carry the poison back to their colony, helping to eliminate the source of the infestation. Place baits in areas where you have observed insect activity, ensuring they are out of reach of children and pets.

Powder insecticides

Powder insecticides, such as borax powder, are effective against ants and earwigs. Apply the powder in areas frequented by these insects, such as cracks, crevices, and around the foundations of your home. The powder adheres to the insects’ legs and poisons them gradually.

Insect growth regulators (IGRs)

IGRs are a chemical control method that prevents pests from reproducing. These products are particularly effective against fruit flies and grubs. Apply IGRs to infested plants and surfaces to disrupt the insects’ life cycle, reducing their population over time.

Professional treatments

For particularly stubborn infestations, calling a specialised company may be necessary. Professionals have access to more powerful products and advanced techniques to eradicate large-scale infestations safely and effectively!

Outdoor ant treatment

Why professional pest control treatment is the best solution

  • Expertise and knowledge: Professionals have extensive knowledge of insect types and behaviours, allowing them to effectively target the source of the infestation.
  • Safety: Professionals are trained to handle toxic products safely, minimising risks to you, your family, and pets.
  • Effective products: Experts use more potent and specific products than those available to the public, ensuring complete eradication of a variety of insects.
  • Reduced risk of allergic reactions: Professionals know how to apply treatments in a way that reduces the risk of allergic reactions among residents.
  • Property protection: By choosing professional treatment, you protect your property from damage caused by pests, preventing costly repairs.
  • Long-term prevention: Professionals offer long-term prevention solutions, preventing re-infestations and maintaining a healthy and secure environment.
  • Time and effort savings: Hiring professionals saves you time and effort, as they have the tools and experience necessary to handle any infestation quickly and efficiently.

By opting for professional pest control treatment, you benefit from safe, effective, and lasting solutions to protect your home from a variety of unwanted insects.

Lawn care and pest control services

cVert specialises in lawn care and residential services to make your life easier. With a commitment to quality and professionalism, we offer tailored solutions to ensure your lawn remains healthy and well-maintained throughout the year!

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