How to Get Rid of Earwigs: The Ultimate Guide

Earwigs, those small brown insects, are often feared due to their appearance and bad reputation. They are attracted to cool, moist places, making them frequent visitors around homes, especially when they find favorable conditions for their proliferation. Whether you’re looking for help to prevent an infestation or to eliminate these pests already present, we share effective and natural methods to get rid of earwigs. Say goodbye to these pests and hello to a clean, healthy outdoor space!

Are earwig infestations common in Canada?

Yes, earwig infestations are fairly common in Canada, especially in areas where conditions favor their proliferation. These pests are particularly attracted to damp and dark places (under dead leaves, under organic debris, etc.). They feed on various materials like flower petals, young shoots, and other soft plant matter.

Canadian summers, often warm and humid, create an ideal environment for these insects, increasing their chances of survival and reproduction. This can lead to a massive infestation if preventive measures are not taken to control their population.

Professional treatment for earwigs

Where can you find earwigs around the house?

  • Under Foundation Stones: Around the house, you can often find them under foundation stones, where the soil moisture is well preserved.
  • Under Paving Stones: Earwigs appreciate the shade and moisture created by stones.
  • Under Soffits: Especially if they are damaged or poorly ventilated.
  • In Sheds: With their often shady and damp floors, these are preferred spots for these insects.
  • On Decks: Particularly those made of wood. Earwigs can be found in the narrow spaces between the planks.

To prevent an infestation, it is recommended to reduce moisture around the house and maintain the structures mentioned above.

Contact a professional earwig control service

6 tips to prevent an earwig infestation

Preventing an earwig infestation is crucial for maintaining a healthy and pleasant living space. Here are six practical tips to help keep these unwanted insects away from your home and yard:

1. Reduce moisture

To lower the humidity in your yard, repair leaking hoses and outdoor faucets. Ensure that downspouts and drainage pipes are working properly to prevent water accumulation. Earwigs are attracted to damp areas, so reducing moisture can make your outdoor space less inviting to them. Regularly check your property’s drainage systems and ensure that rainwater drains properly to avoid moist areas favorable to these pests.

2. Be vigilant about cleanliness

To prevent an earwig infestation around your house, it’s essential to maintain strict cleanliness. Since these insects are attracted to humid environments and organic debris, make sure to regularly clean the areas around your house: remove dead leaves, wood pieces, and other organic waste that can accumulate.
Keeping a clean and clear space will significantly reduce potential hiding spots for earwigs, discouraging them from settling near your home.

3. Use natural products

Use essential oils* like fish oil or vegetable oil to deter earwigs. Essential oils emit a scent that earwigs find unpleasant, causing them to stay away. Apply a few drops of these natural products around your paving stones, shed, deck, and other strategic areas where earwigs are likely to be found.

  • Note*: Essential oils can be potent substances. They are not recommended for certain people, such as pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with allergies. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

4. Seal entry points

To prevent earwigs from entering your home, it’s important to seal all potential entry points. Carefully inspect the foundations, doors, and windows of your house for cracks and holes. Use caulk or expanding foam to fill these openings, and ensure that screens are in good condition and properly fitted. Also, check door thresholds and window frames to ensure there are no unprotected gaps. By blocking these access points, you significantly reduce the chances of earwigs getting into your home in search of food or shelter.

5. Use earwig traps

Earwig traps can be an effective method to control their population around your home. You can easily make traps using rolled-up newspapers, fish boxes, or corrugated cardboard. Place these traps in areas where you have observed earwig activity, particularly near foundations and under porches. 

Earwigs will hide in these traps during the day. Each morning, check the traps and dispose of the captured insects by shaking them into a bucket of soapy water. This method helps to reduce the earwig population in a targeted and eco-friendly way without using chemicals.

6. Maintain minimal outdoor lighting

Earwigs are attracted to light, especially at night. To minimize their presence around your home, reduce outdoor lighting as much as possible, particularly near doors and windows. Use low-intensity bulbs or yellow-spectrum lights, which are less attractive to insects.
Also, ensure that outdoor lights are well-directed downwards and do not cast overly intense light around the house. By reducing light attraction, you will limit the chances of earwigs being drawn to your home and finding potential entry points.

Get rid of earwigs for good

4 natural techniques to get rid of earwigs

  • Damp newspaper traps: Roll up dampened newspaper sheets and place them around your house in the evening. Earwigs will hide in the damp paper overnight. In the morning, dispose of the rolls with the trapped insects.
  • Oil drops: Mix a few drops of vegetable oil or fish oil with water and pour this mixture into small containers. Place them around areas where you’ve seen earwigs. The earwigs will be attracted to the oil and drown.
  • Rubbing alcohol: Fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spray directly on the earwigs and their hiding places. This kills the insects on contact without harming your plants.
  • Insecticidal soap: Prepare a mixture of dish soap and water to create a homemade insecticidal soap. Spray this mixture on earwigs and the areas where you often see them. The soap dehydrates and kills the insects.

What is the best way to keep earwigs away from a house?

The best way to keep earwigs away from your house is to combine preventive measures with targeted interventions. Start by maintaining strict cleanliness around your home, eliminating organic debris and repairing water leaks to reduce moisture. Seal all cracks and openings in foundations, doors, and windows to prevent earwigs from entering.

Use homemade earwig traps like rolled-up newspapers or corrugated cardboard to capture these insects at night and dispose of them in the morning. Also, by reducing outdoor lighting, you can minimize the attraction of earwigs to your home. However, despite these measures, it may be challenging to control an earwig infestation without professional help. For an effective and lasting solution, it’s best to contact a pest control specialist, such as cVert.

Pest control experts have the knowledge and tools needed to assess the extent of the infestation and apply appropriate treatments. They can also offer personalized advice to prevent future infestations. By hiring a professional, you ensure effective and safe management of earwigs, protecting your home and ensuring your peace of mind.

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Earwig treatment service

Enjoy true peace of mind with cVert‘s residential services. Whether you’re in Montreal, Quebec City, Trois-Rivières, Saguenay, Sherbrooke, or Gatineau, our team offers comprehensive and personalized solutions for lawn maintenance and pest control.

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